Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Its oh so quiet...

Original for sale for almost hardly nothing here

I havnt been making mix tapes in ages and ages. Oh well. Thats not entirely true. Ive been constantly making mix tapes, but I haven't posted in ages and ages. Ill try to put some more out.
I'm doing something else though. I have opened an Etsy page, and I am already a millionaire... Its amazing!!
Oh well. that's bullshit. 3 sales in 3 months or so. Whohey!! I made about 100 bucks this summer. Thank dog my boyfriend is extreeemly tolerant.. (THANK YOU JONATHAN!!)
Anyway, so my Etsy page is here (If anybody should stumble by my dusty old Blogger page)

1 comment:

baikinange said...

When I am rich I will buy all your etsy creations so you will have plenty of money to buy beaver snot and food coloring, which is I'm sure your preferred medium. Quit being so artsyfartsy and get a Facebook account so I can keep track of your insanity again, I'm the only Baikinange there.